August 8, 2020

Dear BC High Students and Parents / Guardians,

I hope you are well and staying safe during these ongoing challenging times.

Please find a link to our reopening plan for the 2020/21 academic year. This concise, abbreviated document highlights the key aspects of reopening. Additionally, you’ll find another document on our website which contains far greater detail around the specific procedures and protocols for reopening in a safe and compliant manner.

As communicated at the end of June, we plan to open in September under a Hybrid model.
This reopening plan has been the product of a comprehensive process over many months, marked by significant counsel, conversation, reflection, and discernment. We have been deeply committed to a model which enables our students and faculty /staff to be on site in some form. We believe this is key to being able to provide an authentic formation of the head, heart, and hands. However, the foremost priority has and always will be the safety of our community and this is reflected in the plan.

As you are aware, our current context continues to change and we will communicate directly should there be any need to alter our plans for reopening. We will be hosting a webinar for parents in the upcoming weeks and will provide specific details about this event next week.

As always, thank you for your support and patience.


Adam Lewis