The BC High Athletic Department has unveiled a ‘Lotion For Devotion’ drive that will benefit our medical professionals at Mass General Hospital. With how busy and stressful hospitals have become during the pandemic, medical workers are constantly washing and scrubbing their hands. What better way to help these professionals, than by donating unscented hand lotion bottles. The collection dates at BC High will be Thursday October 15 (for the Ignatius Cohort) and Wednesday October 21 (for the Xavier Cohort). Collection boxes will be located inside the main entrances of the high school and Arrupe buildings, and they will also be located outside on the sidewalk in front of the school, and on the sidewalk outside Arrupe before and after school (for parents who are dropping/picking up their son, and cannot come into the building). Any hand lotion donated is greatly appreciated, and reminder it should be ‘unscented’. Any questions please e-mail Mr. Bartlett: