• Several Black History Month facts and prayers led by various BLSU members in the morning schoolwide.
  • Slides highlighting participating groups and upcoming events running on the monitors in the cafeteria and Cadigan Hall.
  • Faculty of Color social gathering, sharing of various cultural delicious foods.  Present were 13 different nationalities/cultures and approximately 20 faculty/staff.  It was a kickoff to a new Affinity Group.
  • Another new Affinity Group, First Generation, kicked off with a breakfast and about 15 students.
  • Model UN gave us a great morning prayer in 6 languages of the United Nations.
  • Diversity Cabinet hosted a speaker – Mark Craigwell – whose father was one of the first black police officers in Boston, known as the “soul patrol”.  He spoke of his experience with racism in Boston as a kid and his experience as a current minister in Boston.
  • Diversity Cabinet also hosted an open forum on the use of the N*Word as it has become an issue among many of their peers.  This was attended by about 50 students.
  • The Arts department held annual Artistic Celebration of Diversity in Bulger.  Many teachers brought their classes to experience great singing, poetry, and photography.
  • The co-curricular club, Always Our Brothers and Sisters (CGSO) sponsored Pride Day with the distribution of Celebrate Diversity bracelets in many colors.  Students and Adults showed support by wearing them.
  • Arrupe Division students went to Middle School Students of Color Conference at the Dana Hall School.
  • Arrupe Division showed movies Selma and 42
  • Arrupe Division hosted question and quote of the day around Black History
  • Arrupe Division Manresa conversation around MLK speech, Drum Major Instinct
  • Middle East Club held an open forum debate on the topic of the Refugee Crisis
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes had a special prayer service and had guest student speakers. They reflected on various Black Historians and what they meant to them
  • All Affinity Groups under the leadership of Diversity Cabinet hosted a very tasty Heritage Dinner
  • Arrupe Division students listened to a Holocaust Speaker
  • World Religion classes heard from speakers of Judaism and Muslim faiths
  • The co-curricular club, Students for Soldiers, showed the movie Tuskegee Airmen
  • The Asian Culture Club hosted the annual Asian New Year Celebration on Thursday, March 1
  • Racial justice educator Debby Irving will be speaking at BC High on March 21
The Office of Equity and Inclusion along with the Diversity Cabinet looks forward to building on the success of this year and if you have any suggestions please send them to Ruth Evee at revee@bchigh.edu.