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In the Fall of 2020, under the direction of Board Chair Fr. Michael McFarland, SJ and President Grace Regan P’12, the Board of Trustees embarked on a process to develop the next strategic plan for BC High. In January 2022, the plan was fully approved and the work began. We are excited to share with you the next Strategic Plan for Boston College High School.


Vision & Strategic Direction

Our goal is to nurture and transform young men of diverse backgrounds into exceptional, reflective, leaders of character, compassion, and spiritual and intellectual depth, committed to building a more just and inclusive world in the timeless Jesuit, Catholic tradition.

We are guided by the following three priorities which will be addressed in each of our strategic initiatives:


Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Financial Stability

Provide a transformative experience of the head,heart, and hands in the pursuit of human excellence (academics, co-curricular, spiritual, and service.)
Our House System
Recruit, support, and retain faculty and staff who will be deeply committed to our mission and values.
Attract and support a diverse student body that will embrace and further our Jesuit, Catholic mission.
Develop, enhance, and maintain state of the art facilities, classrooms, and campus grounds to accommodate all of our students’ academic, athletic, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs.
Strengthen BC High’sposition as a leader in the City of Boston, the Jesuit global network, and beyond.
BC High Strategic Plan

The Cadigan Wellness Center

Construction is in full force on the Patrick F. Cadigan '52 Family Foundation Wellness Complex. The Lee Kennedy Co. team has put together a wonderful website and app to follow the progress. This also serves as a helpful safety tool for our community and provides up-to-date information regarding the construction site.