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Centers of Human Excellence

Why Centers of Human Excellence?

The Centers of Human Excellence provide a way forward for the school to define human excellence in our Jesuit context. They will help our students most fully grow into men of competence, conscience, compassion, and commitment.

As a Jesuit institution, we are part of a global network of schools that are guided by important documents that help shape the formation of our students. Each document has its own purpose but together they present a comprehensive response to the mission of the Society of Jesus.

Who is the BC High student? He is a spiritual person, a leader, an innovator, a champion for equity, and a global citizen. He has embraced and experienced the opportunities of the five Centers of Human Excellence at BC High.

BC High Centers of Human Excellence

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

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Center for Emerging Leaders

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Center for Global Education

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Ignatian Identity & Formation

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Center for Innovation

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