On September 13, 2007, a crowd gathered outside the entrance of Walsh Hall to celebrate the opening of the Arrupe Division. The middle school for seventh and eighth-grade boys was named for Father Pedro Arrupe, SJ, the 28th superior general of the Society of Jesus. Fr. Arrupe, SJ was an outspoken advocate for education and social justice. He was also the first to articulate the Jesuit ideal of working as ‘men for others.’ “In his honor and motivated by his selfless example, we dedicate the Arrupe Division today,” said Vice Principal of the Arrupe Division, Robert Hamblet, during the dedication. President Bill Kemeza promised that the Arrupe Division would be a place for future generations of BC High students not only to “find their place in the world,” but also to develop into “generous and just men.” The Arrupe Division has exceeded those expectations. This pedagogical method of teaching, coupled with supportive advisory and spiritual formation programs, allows students to develop into “men for others.”


More than 1,500 students have entered the Arrupe Division since the 2007-2008 academic year. The rigorous academic program challenges the boys to think and to develop strong intellectual skills while the collaborative team teaching model enhances the student experience. One such example is the Arrupe City Project. This interdisciplinary approach among the seventh-grade social studies, science, and English classes examines a vast array of topics from population growth to lifestyle inequities. Students learn best when they connect what they learn to the world and themselves. Instead of simply reading about energy, pollution, and transportation challenges, the boys create cities to make personal connections to the global problems that people face.  The Arrupe City Project gives students the opportunity to learn 21st-century skills such as collaboration, problem-solving, creative thinking, public speaking, and analytical. Watch the City Project in action. As the Arrupe Division welcomes students for its second decade, there continues to be a remarkable enthusiasm from students and faculty alike.  
We want to hear from you! If you are an alumnus of the Arrupe Division, send us your best memories at alumni@bchigh.edu. We’d love to capture these thoughts as we continue to celebrate the 10-Year anniversary! For a trip down memory lane watch ten years of Arrupe in this slideshow.   Arrupe Slideshow – 10 Years