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We witness the power of collaboration and teamwork at BC High every day – and not just in the classroom and on the athletic field. So much of what we accomplish here would not be possible without the combined efforts of those who generously support our school and our students.

Your gift demonstrates your belief in the value of a Jesuit, Catholic education, and serves as an affirmation of the good work we do every day in and out of the classroom. By supporting BC High, you help advance our mission to develop young men of integrity who are educated in faith and for justice. Your gift to BC High represents an investment in our students; your generosity will help them become tomorrow’s leaders.

Many of our programs would not be possible without the contributions of donors like you. As we develop new, life-changing experiences for our students, we must devote additional funding to the staffing, infrastructure, training, materials, and technology that support them. Whether you contribute to The Fund for BC High, endow a scholarship, or participate in our planned giving program, your generosity will pay lasting dividends.

Fiscal Year 2024

Alumni Honor Roll of Donors  

As of June 30, 2024

  • Prior & up to 1949

    Peter F. Rogerson

    Paul G. Lannon

    Warren Lewis

    Newman A. Flanagan
    Carl J. Maddaleni
    Robert E. Riley
    Vincent P. Stanton

    James R. Crispo
    Robert S. Delorey
    Joseph P. Higginbotham
    Philip F. Lydon
    Lawrence W. Sullivan

    Joseph J. Byrne
    Peter D. Gianino
    Richard T. Horan
    Raymond J. Kenney Jr. RIP
    John J. Norton
    Robert E. Power
    James R. Roach
    Martin G. Shaughnessy

  • 1950 - 1959

    James F. Buckley
    William A. Donahoe Jr. RIP
    Eugene J. Doherty
    William C. Kenney
    Robert P. Little
    Donald C. MacLellan
    Paul J. McGee
    Timothy F. O’Keefe
    David P. Sullivan

    Charles A. Baker
    David P. Doherty
    Thomas J. Griffin
    Richard W. Jagolta
    John R. Kenney
    William F. McCall
    Richard P. McSorley
    James C. Nolan
    Mark L. Noonan
    Frank T. Pedulla
    John C. Walsh

    Thomas H. Callahan
    Edward F. Costigan
    James M. Donovan
    Arthur R. Falvey
    Charles J. Farren
    Francis M. Fleming RIP
    Francis P. Furey
    John T. Harney
    James C. Hegarty
    Kenneth J. Hughes
    John F. Leonard RIP
    Richard M. McHugh

    Jeremiah J. Bresnahan
    John G. Brooks
    Edward V. Cahill
    Norman W. Clairmont
    Richard T. Colman
    Daniel J. Cummins
    Frederick J. Frensilli
    Ernest D. Guarino
    George S. Hennessy
    Robert C. Hilton
    William T. Lynch
    Francis J. Mahoney
    Raymond P. McGuiggin
    John E. McLaughlin
    Donald F. Moran
    James M. Muldoon
    Edward F. Murphy
    Joseph S. Russo
    Philip J. Segalla
    Eugene P. Sullivan

    Charles H. Burnes
    Robert B. Carr
    Joseph M. Caturano
    William J. Conlon
    Stan Curran
    William J. Doherty
    John E. Farrell
    John S. Feeney
    Joseph V. Fraser
    Dana G. Gillis
    William H. Kent
    William J. Madden
    John M. Maloney
    Joseph B. McCarthy
    Gerald P. Mitchell
    Thomas E. Morrissey
    John A. Murray
    John J. Nichols
    Martin J. O’Donnell
    David S. Ojerholm
    Richard J. Port
    Robert M. Roselli
    Walter D. Vaughan
    John F. Wayland

    Paul A. Bongiorno
    Joseph M. Carey
    Michael J. Celata
    Thomas M. Cibotti
    Francis E. Collins
    Eugene P. Connors
    John J. Deneen
    Thomas H. Drohan
    Myles P. Flaherty
    John J. Flanagan
    Charles W. Grinnell
    John W. Howard
    John W. Keegan
    William T. Kelly
    Francis D. Kennedy
    James P. Mackey
    Robert McCann
    Brian S. McNiff
    John J. O’Brien
    Joseph L. Rosenthal
    Norman T. Swain
    Richard H. Troy

    William J. Barker
    Paul F. Braudis
    John J. Brennan
    John P. Brickley
    James J. Crowley
    James A. Cunniff
    Craig Dolan
    Peter G. Fallon Jr. RIP
    Charles F. Flaherty
    John J. Flaherty
    James A. Heffernan
    Francis J. Hickey
    Thomas G. Kelley
    Thomas L. Kelly
    William J. Leen
    Thomas J. McCarty
    Allan T. McLean
    Merritt F. Moraski
    William F. O’Connor
    James A. Reilly
    Daniel Sughrue
    John M. Sutton
    Charles C. Tretter
    David P. Twomey
    John R. Wagner

    Kevin T. Byrne
    Christopher Canavan
    Roddy Cannon
    Francis P. Cleary
    Denis M. Coffey
    James R. Collins
    Francis B. Curley
    Paul L. Cusick
    Thomas G. Dahoney
    Owen F. Devlin
    Robert E. DiCenso
    Charles F. Duffy
    Robert P. Graham
    Timothy E. Guiney
    Martin J. Kelly RIP
    Robert J. Kelly
    J. Joseph Lally
    Henry Latorella
    Charles J. Leonard
    Charles H. Lucas
    Edward J. McDonough
    John M. McLaughlin
    Robert J. Nugent
    Thomas D. Robinson
    Richard T. Reale
    John F. Ryan
    William J. Ryan
    William F. Salmon
    James E. Zyntell

    Robert T. Brennan
    James L. Buckley
    Donald G. Byrne
    Peter G. Colwell
    Christopher J. Crisafi
    Paul R. Devin
    Joseph M. Egan
    John F. Fleming
    Richard D. Gill
    George F. Gormley
    Theodore A. Gulledge
    Lee A. Heiler
    James A. Hooley
    Francis D. Horrigan
    Paul M. Horrigan
    Christopher F. Lee
    Paul F. LeFort
    Chester P. Masel
    John F. Mungovan
    James J. Murphy
    Thomas E. Murphy
    John T. Murray
    Charles P. O’Hara
    Richard J. Pabich
    John A. Rosicky
    Timothy F. Shea
    Joseph E. Sullivan
    Paul Spinale RIP
    Stanley J. Szabunka
    Carmen F. Zaccardi

    Thomas P. Brady
    Gregory J. Cahill
    Robert M. Carolan
    Armand R. Cerbone
    Peter J. Connelly
    John J. Conway
    Thomas L. Daly
    Russell J. Dever
    George M. Doherty
    Ralph A. Donohue
    George R. Finn
    William J. Frongillo
    Frank J. Galvin
    Roger C. Gilmore
    Richard A. Gould
    Robert W. Grazado
    Robert A. Hyland
    Francis H. Kelley
    Richard D. Kenney
    George F. Leonard
    Michael D. Martin
    Kevin J. McCabe
    Robert E. McHugh
    Robert P. Melanson
    Mark R. Mulvoy
    Anthony J. Navoy
    James M. Norton
    Robert J. O’Brien
    Robert F. Ott
    Robert G. Parks
    Richard Penni
    Daniel M. Polvere
    Edmund J. Rae
    Stephen J. Ryan
    Joseph F. Shevory
    Joseph J. Sullivan
    Robert W. Uek
    Peter White
    Carl J. Young

  • 1960 - 1969

    George S. Albert
    Robert J. Bent
    Denis P. Byrne
    James T. Cahill
    Robert B. Callen
    John S. Campbell
    William G. Condon
    Walter J. Crimmins
    Robert E. Cullen
    John F. Doyle
    Richard J. Eaton
    William F. Flynn
    John E. Gallagher
    John P. Galvin
    Joseph M. Gilboy
    John M. Harrington
    John H. Hayes
    Thomas G. Hughes
    Warren J. Ingersoll
    John R. Judge
    Daniel C. Keleher
    David M. Kelly
    Ralph L. Kent
    Paul A. La Camera
    Donald A. MacMillan
    Charles T. McCaffrey
    John J. McWeeney
    Thomas F. Mulvoy
    William J. Murphy
    George J. Norberg
    Norbert C. Nyhan
    Peter D. O’Connor
    Frederick M. O’Hara
    John L. Pini
    Francis X. Quinn
    Walter J. Rossiter
    Joseph F. Sheehan
    Kenneth C. Spengler
    Peter C. Toland
    Edward L. Widronak

    Kevin T. Avery
    Richard A. Brown
    William F. Burke
    Albert B. Carvelli
    Gerald E. Connolly
    Joseph P. Connolly
    John S. Costello
    Francis G. Coughlin
    David M. Crowley
    John J. Dailey
    William M. Dineen
    John E. Drew
    Arthur J. Dwyer Jr. RIP
    Paul L. Geraghty
    John F. Healy
    Paul V. Howe
    John P. Kelly
    Robert K. LaRocca
    Paul E. MacDonald
    Michael M. Mahoney
    Kevin J. Mannix
    Thomas F. McCabe
    John M. McNulty
    Thomas G. McTigue
    James P. Monahan
    Eric P. Morrissette
    James A. Mulcahy
    John J. O’Day
    Raymond J. Rajewski
    Joseph P. Rogan
    John Shaughnessy
    William A. Shaughnessy
    Walter J. Smith
    Paul S. Sughrue
    James D. Sullivan
    Robert F. Sutherland
    Salvatore J. Tecce
    Quentin Walsh

    Stephen P. Anderson
    Edward F. Ansello
    Robert J. Bond
    Gerald M. Chisholm
    John J. Connor
    Grafton J. Corbett
    John S. Cote
    Philip J. Crowe
    Frank A. Dahlstrom
    Michael R. Doherty
    Edward J. Dolan
    Joseph O. Duseau
    Lawrence J. Feeney
    Edward W. Forry
    James F. Franklin
    Joseph M. Galeota
    Kevin B. Geaney
    Robert F. Geary
    Charles E. Gobron
    Charles H. Hanson
    Robert P. Herendeen
    Carleton D. Johnson
    Paul E. Kilroy
    Vincent B. Locke
    Robert E. Lyons
    Charles J. McCarthy
    James T. McCarthy
    William D. McCarthy
    William G. McGrane
    Brian J. McMenimen
    James L. Mulvey
    Gerald J. Nash
    William G. Norton
    Daniel J. O’Connell
    John T. O’Connor
    John J. Pasciucco
    David A. Ranaghan
    Christopher J. Shea
    William J. Sheehan
    Joseph F. Szymanski
    John B. Waggett
    Albert G. Watson
    David V. Whelan

    Thomas J. Barrett
    Richard P. Bergagna
    Joseph Burns
    Joseph W. Chevarley
    Harold G. Clarke
    Dennis M. Coleman
    William M. Connolly
    William R. Connolly
    William A. DeBassio
    George F. Delaney
    Peter B. Dervan
    Philip M. Dooher
    Paul F. Driscoll
    John P. Flynn
    Thomas M. Foley
    John K. Ford
    Theodore L. Fucillo
    Damian P. Gaffney
    Edward L. Goodwin
    David R. Gudjonsson
    Thomas M. Harkins
    Edward P. Henneberry
    Joseph C. Hill
    John F. Howard
    Vincent Iacono
    Gerard T. Kennealey
    John L. Ledwick
    James J. Lynch
    Charles F. McCann
    Charles R. McCready
    Andrew J. McElaney
    Joseph P. McEttrick
    James C. McGee
    John J. McLaughlin
    John H. Miller
    Patrick T. Minihan
    Kevin P. Mostyn
    Edward R. Muldoon
    Michael J. Muse
    John J. Nannicelli
    William T. Noonan
    John P. O’Leary
    Edward T. O’Neill
    John F. Pfeiffer
    William J. Pucci
    James D. Regan
    Stephen J. Ricci
    Noel A. Schaub
    Anthony V. Singleton
    Maurice H. Sullivan
    Robert P. Thompson
    David J. Varnerin
    Paul White
    Jeremiah F. York

    Charles F. Ahern
    Harold W. Attridge
    John S. Berger
    Robert A. Bonanno
    John W. Brady
    Leo J. Bulger
    Edmund M. Burke
    Neal E. Connolly
    Peter V. Cooper
    Daniel L. Crowley
    Paul R. Deschenes
    Michael P. Dunbar
    John G. Fallon
    Thomas J. Filbin
    Patrick A. Fox
    Thomas F. Foy
    Joseph A. Gautreau
    William F. Henri
    Eugene P. Hickey
    Richard F. Hickey
    John F. Kennedy
    Joseph F. Kennedy
    Bernard J. Kenney
    Brian M. Kingston
    Richard J. Mahoney
    Edward J. Malloy
    Daniel J. McCarthy
    Richard E. McCluskey
    Joseph X. McDermott
    James T. McMahon
    James V. Mogan
    John S. Normant
    Ronald J. Paglierani
    Edward S. Robertson
    Joseph M. Ryan
    Richard H. Stanton, Jr.
    Michael J. Shortsleeve
    William F. Timmins
    Edmond D. Villani
    Donald A. Walsh

    Kevin P. Bimmler
    Alfred W. Bowman
    Paul F. Branca
    George E. Breen
    Robert E. Burke
    William W. Butler
    Anthony C. Caliri
    William J. Callahan
    William H. Camden
    Peter R. Chase
    Joseph J. Conway
    Edward C. Driscoll
    John F. Dwyer
    John A. Fallon
    Romeo C. Farese
    John P. Farricy
    James M. Flaherty
    Jeffrey Fleming
    John A. Foley
    Daniel J. Griffin
    Joseph F. Harding
    Ronald F. Jones
    William F. Joy
    Robert L. Keane
    Mark A. Kelley
    James J. Lehane
    Cornelius C. Maher
    John F. Mahoney
    William T. McCarthy
    James J. McTigue
    Peter T. Middleton
    Thomas J. Murphy
    Robert F. Muse
    Dean P. Nicastro
    John L. O’Connor
    Joseph J. Pedulla
    Steven R. Previte
    Norman R. Proulx
    John J. Rando
    Stephen P. Ranere
    Edwin J. Riley
    William D. Rizer
    Paul J. Rogan
    James J. Scannell
    John T. Scoboria
    Paul J. Tooher
    John M. Treacy
    Richard D. Walsh
    John J. Webber

    Roderick J. Campbell
    George W. Casey
    James H. Collins
    David F. Condon
    Richard J. Conner
    James M. Connor
    Leo J. Corbett
    Thomas F. Coughlan
    James P. Cronin
    James M. Daly
    Michael P. D’Ambrosio
    James B. Darcy
    Anthony M. DiGregorio
    Gregory P. Doyle
    Thomas J. Healy
    Gerald F. Hughes
    Edward V. Lally
    Richard P. Maloney
    Joseph P. Martin
    Daniel J. McDevitt
    Paul W. McLaughlin
    Richard J. McNeil
    Kevin J. Mulvaney
    Edward W. Murray
    Charles A. Pellegrino
    Joseph F. Pesce
    Stanley V. Ragalevsky
    Pierre G. Rondeau
    Robert J. Ryan
    Robert K. Sheridan
    Thomas J. Stoodley
    John L. Sullivan
    Paul A. Torraca

    Robert B. Beaumont
    Thomas J. Burke
    Thomas W. Burke
    Nicholas D. Carullo
    Louis A. Cassis
    Robert W. Chamberlain
    Paul M. Connolly
    Charles Connors
    Robert A. Curley
    John A. DeTore
    Edward T. Driscoll
    Michael B. Driscoll
    Michael E. Duffy
    Thomas J. Egan
    Robert J. Eng
    Paul F. Fitzpatrick
    Richard J. Fougere
    Grover C. Gilmore
    Michael J. Grealy
    Paul V. Guilfoyle
    Bernard J. Hamill
    David M. Hartigan
    Joseph J. Iovanna
    Robert P. Joy
    Laurence J. Kennedy
    Michael J. Kilfoyle
    Maurice M. Lynch
    Robert J. Lynch
    Robert L. Lynch
    John J. MacDonald
    Owen J. MacDonald
    John G. Madden
    John F. Markuns
    Joseph P. McDonagh
    John D. McLoughlin
    John V. Murphy
    John Pacitti
    James Patacchiola
    David A. Perry
    Kevin P. Phillips
    Joseph E. Rull
    Francis M. Saba
    Brian C. Shaughnessy
    Christopher J. Sterritt
    Stanley C. Yutkins

    Robert P. Anastasi
    James A. Balmer
    Martin L. Barrett
    Edward L. Baskauskas
    Gregory E. Bulger
    Leon K. Calitri
    William J. Connolly
    William K. Connors
    Daniel F. Coughlin
    Michael J. Coyne
    James F. Crowley
    George E. Cummings
    James E. Curran
    John J. Daly
    Richard H. Donohue
    Thomas F. Finigan
    E. Fritz Friedman
    Timothy F. Hayes
    James C. Hession
    Thomas M. Hughes
    Robert W. Hunter
    Brian M. Hurley
    Lawrence G. Lavery
    James J. Little
    Michael A. Lojek
    J. Peter MacDonald
    William R. MacKenzie
    Peter S. Maher
    Stephen G. Manning
    John W. McLaughlin
    Richard L. Mucci
    Kenneth P. Mulvaney
    Richard P. Nolet
    Michael P. O’Brien
    Robert F. O’Brien
    Thomas B. O’Rourke
    Lawrence M. Palladino
    Kevin J. Toomey
    David J. Vitale
    Frank T. Ward
    Joseph C. Westfield

    Dennis M. Ahern
    Herbert W. Arnold
    Steven C. Boiardi
    Joseph P. Calapa
    Gerald A. Callahan
    Joseph B. Casey
    Richard M. Collins
    John E. Conway
    Ronald P. Corbett
    Stephen M. Coyne
    Edward J. Daly
    Anthony J. Donato
    John J. Donovan
    Terrence B. Downes
    William E. Granara
    Robert L. Johnson
    Michael B. Killion
    Stephen J. Larner
    Michael J. Levins
    Richard G. Lyons
    John P. McDonough
    Christopher A. McNeil
    James J. Murphy
    Richard N. Murphy
    John A. Nerbonne
    John G. O’Brien
    William J. O’Connell
    John J. Piekarski
    Robert J. Polito
    Edward C. Shea
    Richard J. Shepherd
    Barry P. Sullivan
    Peter J. Uglietto
    William J. Yourell

  • 1970 - 1979

    Gerald G. Bowe
    Robert F. Burns
    David I. Calnan
    Daniel J. Coughlin
    James G. Covelluzzi
    Gregory E. Cronin
    Thomas E. Dello Russo
    Francis A. DeLuca
    John Dill
    Matthew J. Dillon
    Carl A. DiMaiti
    Kevin J. Dunn
    Thomas F. Flynn
    Walter E. Frank
    Dennis T. Fitzgerald
    Michael F. Glennon
    James J. Goodfellow
    John G. Guerra
    David Hern
    Michael J. Hession
    Joseph G. Kelleher
    John P. Kelly
    Peter K. Kelly
    John C. Lane
    Bruce A. Loughran
    Stanley F. Luniewicz
    John F. Lynch
    Terence P. McDermott
    Michael F. McGonagle
    Louis J. McNeil
    Thomas W. Merritt
    David J. Milligan
    Joseph J. Murphy
    Gregory W. Noonan
    Dennis J. O’Brien
    Michael G. O’Connor
    Richard F. Quinn
    Paul C. Ryan
    William G. Sheehan
    Robert M. Sullivan
    Michael D. White

    Francis E. Arcaro
    John P. Bradley
    Stephen J. Dahill
    Robert J. Deehan
    Paul M. DeSisto
    Stephen A. Durant
    James E. Dykes
    David A. Farrell
    Charles A. Ferraro
    David P. Gray
    Thomas P. Hagerty
    Michael G. Hanlon
    William J. Hayes
    Stephen D. Hern
    Michael C. Hutchinson
    Martin Joyce
    Shaun V. Kelley
    Daniel L. Kenslea
    Robert J. Leonard
    Lawrence P. MacDougall
    Mark J. MacMillan
    John E. Maloney
    John E. McDonough
    Joseph F. McHugh S.J.
    Kevin J. McSweeney
    Leo J. Meehan
    Mark F. Murphy
    Harold E. Nash
    Gerard L. Pallotta
    Charles F. Pattavina
    Stephen T. Pike
    Joseph K. Raeke
    David J. Saint
    Harry E. Salerno
    Charles A. Skidmore
    Kevin F. Smith
    Daniel J. Sullivan
    Paul F. Troy
    Marco Volpe
    Timothy H. White

    Richard F. Arcangeli
    Edmund T. Bowler
    Thomas J. Carten
    Michael J. Corbett
    Terrence A. Corrigan
    Kevin F. Coughlin
    David E. Faherty
    Francis W. Foley
    Mark A. Gorham
    Richard H. Grueter
    Paul T. Hession
    Michael R. Horgan
    Paul J. Jaehnig
    Stephen G. Kaler
    John P. Kavanaugh
    John F. Kennedy
    Kenneth F. Langley
    Robert W. Levins
    Patrick J. Lusk
    Richard P. Martin
    John P. McDonough
    Robert D. Monahan
    Timothy J. Monahan
    Andrew P. Quigley
    Maurice A. Randall
    Gerard P. Regan
    John S. Reidy
    James F. Roach
    Louis J. Sannella
    Paul J. Shea
    Peter F. Shea
    John C. Skowron
    John J. Slater
    Jonathan E. Squire
    Michael J. Sullivan
    Kurt L. Westerman

    Robert J. Barry
    Robert J. Beechinor
    Kurt W. Bimmler
    Stephen F. Connell
    Leonard P. Connolly
    Michael R. DeMatteo
    James P. Dougherty
    George F. Driscoll
    Joseph F. Dunford
    Stephen J. Farquhar
    Paul F. Fichera
    Charles J. Flint
    Steven R. Gallant
    Lawrence P. Galligan
    Brendan L. Gray
    Michael T. Hayes
    Joseph L. Hern
    Michael J. Hollis
    Kenneth F. Howe
    Paul F. Hurley
    John R. Jepsen
    Thomas M. Joyce
    Robert C. Lamb
    Patrick J. Landers
    Walter C. Lucier
    James F. Maguire
    Larry F. Mahoney
    John P. McDonagh
    Brian W. McNeill
    Daniel F. O’Brien
    Edward J. Rourke
    Gerard T. Quinn
    Stephen A. Shaughnessy
    Donald E. Sprague
    Michael P. Sullivan
    Thomas J. Sullivan
    George F. Sutherland
    Paul R. Wiencek
    John B. Winne

    William F. Ahern
    William J. Brabazon
    John R. Buckley
    Thomas S. Cattaneo
    Peter J. Ceriani
    Daniel O. Collins
    Patrick J. Connaughton
    Paul G. Curtis
    Daniel F. Daly
    Daniel J. Dart
    Robert J. Davis
    Michael F. Desmond
    Gerard J. DiGiovanni
    William P. Dillon
    John G. Doherty
    Joseph T. Donahue
    David T. Donnelly
    Christopher J. Donovan
    Kevin J. Donovan
    Patrick Dwyer
    John L. Enos
    Edward S. Finocchiaro
    Thomas P. Fitzgerald
    William J. Flanagan
    John J. Gallagher
    Philip N. Good
    Richard J. Gray
    Stephen P. Hagerty
    Edward E. Hanlon
    John J. Hanwell
    Francis A. Harris
    Timothy P. Houten
    Stephen L. Hug
    John F. Hynes
    Thomas W. Kenslea
    Robert J. Kerwin
    Robert T. Kickham
    Paul K. Korzeniowski
    Neal E. Lojek
    Edward J. Lomasney
    Allan B. Lutz
    Joseph F. Maloney
    Steven A. McKenna
    Joseph P. McManus
    Paul F. McManus
    Gregory S. Messina
    Nicola A. Mogavero
    Sean J. Monahan
    Joseph A. Murphy
    William Murphy
    James D. Noonan
    John J. O’Connell
    Charles S. O’Connor
    Bryan T. Rich
    Joseph P. Ring
    Mark W. Roche
    John W. Sachetti
    John P. Sannella
    Charles L. Shea
    Robert C. Shiebler
    Arthur T. Silk
    Thomas F. Smith
    Paul J. Sullivan
    Brian J. Sutherland
    William M. Totten
    David F. Wells

    Richard L. Ahern
    Robert A. Bonaccorso
    Timothy J. Dee
    Mark B. Kerwin
    Brian J. Kickham RIP
    Daniel J. Landers
    Edward W. McCahill
    Michael F. Mogan
    Francis J. Nash
    Neill J. Norcott
    Richard J. Riley
    James P. Rourke
    Joseph C. Veneto

    Thomas M. Barry
    Gerald E. Bilodeau
    Donald R. Branca
    Edward R. Chase
    Michael M. Coffey
    Brian C. Dever
    Richard F. Flynn
    Guy L. Genereux
    Stephen C. Lynch
    Kevin G. Maguire
    John W. Martin
    Kevin E. McCahill
    Francis R. McCarthy
    Michael F. McGoldrick
    Peter D. Murphy
    David R. O’Brien
    James P. O’Hare
    Joseph M. O’Neil
    Thomas S. Rafferty
    Thomas G. Rice
    James A. Sartucci
    Louis J. Von Kahle

    William M. Bucelewicz
    Kevin D. Cherry
    Francis L. Colpoys
    Leo J. Corcoran
    David J. Coughlin
    Robert A. Dallas
    Brian P. Davidson
    Stephen F. Dwyer
    Thomas J. Flaherty
    Christopher L. Harvey
    Christopher J. Hug
    Robert S. Johnston
    John Keane
    Denis J. Kennedy
    Stephen J. Leahy
    John J. Leary
    Gerard E. Mahoney
    Paul C. Manuel
    John J. McSweeney
    John J. Nee
    Joseph P. O’Brien
    Stephen J. Powers
    James J. Rafferty
    Louis J. Rouleau
    Robert M. Ruzzo
    Michael J. Whouley

    Robert A. Amendola
    John A. Canavan
    Joseph M. Connors
    Edward T. Czmut
    Paul J. Driscoll
    Michael P. Dunford
    John J. Faherty
    James A. Fitzpatrick
    Paul J. Flaherty
    Albert K. Federico
    Mark F. Flint
    Daniel J. Hartigan
    Bernard T. Loughran
    Phillip K Lynch
    John J. McGlone
    Stephen A. Mini
    John W. Molloy
    Dennis F. Monahan
    Gary J. Murphy
    Joseph A. Nash
    Michael P. Nerbonne
    James M. Quinn
    James G. Ryan
    Fred Shepard
    William F. Shields
    Leo J. Smith
    Michael A. Sullivan
    Neal E. Sullivan

    Dennis Boyd
    William J. Campbell
    Thomas M. Carey
    Robert J. Clasby
    Stephen J. Colman
    Andrew G. Colpoys
    Thomas L. Crowley
    Joseph E. Daly
    Joseph F. Dempsey
    John B. Dunn
    Robert E. Dunn
    John M. Fenton
    Brian Flannery
    Thomas W. Gorczyca
    Michael P. Hunter
    Neal P. Kenslea
    Joseph T. Keohan
    Stephen LoPresti
    William P. O’Donnell
    Sahag Ohanesian
    James E. O’Riordan
    Robert A. Scannell
    John M. Shields
    William J. Silk
    Daniel E. Smith
    Joseph B. Sullivan
    Anthony S. Urciuoli
    Brian J. Waldron
    Kevin F. Waters

  • 1980 - 1989

    Yona Alter
    James G. Boyd
    Robert J. Celata
    Carroll D. Coletti
    Michael F. Conley
    Joseph J. Corcoran
    James M. Cully
    John J. Curtis
    John H. Danilecki
    James M. DiPerri
    Kevin Donius
    Robert M. Fallon
    John A. Findley
    Thomas M. Findley
    Terrence F. Gaughan
    John F. Hanlon
    Gregory A. Hayes
    Joseph E. Holland
    Paul W. Jaworski
    Kevin G. Kenneally
    Michael Kickman
    William J. LaPoint
    Michael A. Larkin
    John M. Lawton
    Philip A. Littlehale
    Paul J. Meaney
    Daniel G. Molloy
    John A. Morley
    Joseph J. Prendergast
    Doughlas J. Smith

    John J. Amendolare
    Robert K. Beniers
    Brian E. Concannon
    John N. Connolly
    Michael P. Cronin
    Neal F. Crowley
    Paul C. Dawley
    John O. Desmond
    Kenneth J. Deveaux
    William G. Farrell
    Paul G. Feloney
    Patrick T. Fitzgerald
    Mark F. Gallagher
    Stephen M. Healy
    Stephen B. Kraunelis
    Mark J. Littlehale
    Kenneth Lochiatto
    Michael L. Mahoney
    Brian J. McHugh
    Joseph P. McKenna
    Christopher P. Oates
    David F. O’Donnell
    William J. Sullivan
    Paul A. Szcesuil
    John C. Wade

    Christopher R. Boyle
    John J. Browne
    Patrick Bulger
    Edward J. Chinetti
    John J. Cloherty
    Michael J. Corcoran
    Michael J. Coughlin
    Thomas J. Degnan
    Andrew A. Doherty
    William J. Elbery
    Charles C. Hajjar
    John P. Hynes
    Michael G. Kilgannon
    John J. Landers
    Sean P. Locke
    Bernard P. Lynch
    Kevin P. Martin
    Thomas W. Mazza
    Daniel S. McInnis
    Edward G. McLaughlin
    Michael F. Monahan
    Lee J. Morrissey
    Michael J. Murphy
    Robert G. Nadeau
    Joseph N. Russo
    Martin J. St. George
    Jeffrey Sullivan
    Michael J. Walsh
    Mark C. Wilson

    Michael E. Ayers
    Christopher M. Cahalin
    James C. Coughlin
    Michael K. Cox
    Alan B. Curtis
    Peter W. DiMarzio
    Andrew J. Dunne
    Francis X. Fasano
    Joseph Flaherty
    Timothy R. Flaherty
    Stephen J. Fulton
    Samuel C. Homsy
    Peter T. Jaworski
    Christopher J. Jepsen
    Michael P. Kearns
    Christopher J. Kelley
    Stephen M. Koski
    Richard J. Maguire
    John P. McCarthy
    George T. Padula
    Michael E. Prendergast
    Kevin P. Ray
    Philip J. Resca
    John E. Rudnicki
    John F. Sebastian
    Brian D. Shea
    Barry F. X. Smith
    Dennis M. Sughrue
    Brian T. Sullivan
    Edward U. Toland
    Edward J. Wrobel

    William J. Beck
    Michael P. Breen
    Peter F. Chouinard
    David M. Connelly
    Sean P. Costello
    Brian J. Donovan
    Michael E. Faerm
    Sean W. Farrell
    Norman P. Fitzgerald
    Lawrence H. Foley
    John M. Furlong
    Joseph L. Goode
    Luis E. Gonzales
    Robert R. Hamel
    Michael C. Hogan
    William J. Kearns
    Joseph M. Kunze
    Steven J. Martin
    Robert W. McGrail
    Peter J. Nadeau
    Timothy R. O’Brien
    Sean M. Regan
    Bryan J. Sheppeck
    Daniel E. Staub
    Alan R. Svensen
    Michael J. Tabeek
    Peter G. Veale
    Gregory T. Waldron
    Ted Waterman
    John F. Waters
    Stephen M. White

    Kevin P. Brosnan
    Geoffrey M. Burns
    Kevin F. Cafferty
    Paul M. Canavan
    Gregory M. Collins
    Thomas F. Comeau
    Brendan D. Connelly
    Joseph M. Cronin
    Gerard S. D’Arcy
    John L. Fleming
    Robert W. Galvin
    Robert J. Kelly
    Stephen J. Kelly
    John T. MacKinnon
    Michael A. Marciello
    Brian J. McKay
    Daniel W. Mercer
    Michael A. Moynihan
    Souren G. Ouzounian
    Manuel N. Pacheco
    James F. Pickette
    Kevin R. Powers
    William F. Rowley
    Patrick J. Sheehan RIP
    Gregory R. Sterling
    Nicholas J. Tangney
    Thomas L. Wesner
    Brian J. Wilk

    Timothy V. Carnes
    John R. Carroll
    Steven E. Casper
    Robert F. Cherry
    Andrew A. Clarke
    Timothy S. Cronin
    Michael J. DeCosta
    John C. Driscoll
    Terence F. Faherty
    Edward E. Falvey
    Brendan P. Flynn
    Joseph P. Glennon
    Robert J. Griesmer
    Patrick C. Guerriero
    Richard N. Hart
    John P. Hayes
    Thomas J. Hayes
    William F.Jones
    Kevin P. Joyce
    David C. Lopes
    John E. Keohane
    Brendan M. Kirby
    Kevin M. MacKinnon
    Derik D. Malone
    Michael P. Manning
    Gerard F. McCormick
    Kevin McGovern
    Michael G. McIntyre
    Daniel P. McMurrer
    Robert J. Murray
    James M. Norton
    William J. O’Neil
    Peter S. Orenberg
    Christopher C. Peracchi
    Edward J. Pollis
    Michael D. Port
    Michael C. Ray
    William P. Signori
    Scott E. Swain
    Chris P. Vieira
    Brian M. Walsh
    Sean F. Walsh
    Joseph M. Zaccheo

    Brendan O. Bradley
    Craig T. Brown
    Robert J. Bubencik
    Daniel J. Burke
    Paul E. Cahill
    Thomas M. Ciampa
    Michael J. Collins
    Stephen J. Connolly
    Paul R. Crowley
    James N. Doherty
    George R. Finn
    Sean P. Foley
    Hugh P. Flaherty
    Donald J. Greene
    John F. Griffin
    Scott E. Habeeb
    Joseph A. Heanue
    Robert M. Higgins
    Timothy M. Knight
    Warren M. Janigian
    Peter Leung
    David W. Mann
    Christopher J. Marshall
    Gregory P. McConville
    Michael J. McDonald
    Sean F. McDonough
    John G. McLaughlin
    John W. McManus
    Jay T. Neville
    Vincent G. Norton
    Thomas F. O’Donnell
    Richard R. Pedrini
    James M. Pender
    Joseph M. Reardon
    Sean T. Ryan
    Bryan Sheppeck
    Kevin W. Stone
    Brian J. Sullivan
    Michael K. Vaughan

    Robert F. Bradbury
    David M. Carolan
    Kevin F. Cohane
    Patrick J. Concannon
    Lance W. Connolly
    David L. Corcoran
    Scott L. Dalrymple
    Stephen P. Daly
    Peter D. DeRoeve
    James F. Doyle
    Todd M. Falvey
    Edward D. Farley
    Michael J. Feehily
    Peter J. Feloney
    John J. Flaherty
    Michael B. Galvin
    Brian P. Higgins
    Robert G. Johnson
    Timothy P. Lydon
    Matthew J. Maiona
    Christopher M. Martin
    James E. McGaugh
    Thomas A. Noonan
    Brian J. O’Connell
    Neil J. O’Regan
    Timothy K. Pollis
    Christopher W. Pyne
    Peter J. Resca
    Christopher M. Rooney
    Robert P. Ryan
    Bernard J. Taracevicz
    Christopher F. Taylor
    Christopher A. Vassilopoulos
    Andrew J. Williams

    William C. Beal
    Brian L. Bennett
    Philip R. Burke
    James B. Coughlin
    Matthew J. Curran
    Daniel F. Cushing
    Matthew T. D’Alto
    John J. Devine
    Patrick J. Flaherty
    Mark E. Furman
    John B. Gillooly
    Michael J. Hart
    Robert A. Herlihy
    Christopher J. Horan
    Christopher R. Howe
    J. Dana Hughes
    Robert M. Hynes
    Lance S. Hutchinson
    Phillip J. Lartigue
    Christopher C. McCarthy
    Paul M. McDonnell
    Joseph G. Molinaro
    Brian G. Oates
    Peter E. Pickette
    Francis R. Powell
    Paul D. Roche
    James P. Ryan
    Larry D. Ryan
    Charles F. Sterling
    Michael C. Stravin
    Maurice H. Sullivan
    Michael J. Szczerbinski

  • 1990 - 1999

    Michael J. Cronin
    David M. DiLoreto
    Joseph P. Farhat
    James M. Flaherty
    Stephen A. Flaherty
    Albert J. Grimes
    Michael F. Grindlay
    Joseph L. Hayes
    Donald J. Hill
    Daniel E. Johnson
    Daniel T. Kajunski
    Michael P. Kunigonis
    Ian R. Lawson
    Stephen F. McDevitt
    Peter J. McLoughlin
    Michael E. Mullin
    Ronan O’Brien
    Ronald R. Pagliuca
    Kevin M. Ryan
    Brian M. Shaughnessy
    Wesley E. Straub
    John F. Traverse

    John K. Bowen
    Tackey Chan
    Theodore J. Dalton
    Richard A. Davey
    Patrick T. Devine
    John J. Duffy
    Matthew D. Dunn
    Kenneth C. Foraste
    William P. Forry
    Daniel R. Hart
    Sean T. Kane
    Eric E. Knapp
    Eugene L. Kwong
    Christopher B. Ledwick
    Michael F. Lutz
    Terence M. McDonagh
    Thomas J. Monaghan
    Christopher F. Murray
    David C. O’Brien
    Neal J. O’Driscoll
    Dennis K. Regan
    Edwin J. Riley
    Christopher P. Stenmon

    John F. Barros
    Dennis F. Collins
    Bryan C. Connolly
    Edward F. DeGraan
    Gregory A. Devine
    Timothy E. Flaherty
    Edgardo S. Gafanhao
    Justin J. Gould
    Peter C. Guiney
    Matthew Heffernan
    Gregory F. Hegerich
    Jason P. Loiselle
    Donald R. MacLeod
    Christopher P. McDevitt
    Matthew R. Nash
    Brian M. Nevin
    Robert Norton
    Matthew A. Osborne
    Timothy P. Walsh
    William A. Walsh

    James F. Benoit
    Paul M. Carter
    Paul A. Christian
    Daniel P. Christmas
    Joseph L. Delaney
    Michael J. Devine
    Keith E. Driscoll
    Andre J. Farhat
    Jonathan P. Feeney
    Thomas J. Fitzgibbon
    Peter A. Foley
    Mark S. Gentili
    Michael B. Hotarek
    Liam R. Kennedy
    Michael P. Kenney
    Richard J. MacDonald
    Andrew T. Mercurio
    Michael P. Morris
    Christopher C. Nevin
    Robert A. O’Connell
    Brian T. O’Connor
    Matthew P. Paliulis
    Frank A. Panaccio
    Charles F. Polcari
    Michael B. Reardon
    Gary D. Rodney
    Timothy A. Sherman
    Daniel P. White
    David Q. White

    John S. Allegrini
    John D. Cheverie
    James J. Christian
    Benjamin W. Collins
    Tim W. Collins
    David P. Cronin
    Stephen W. Dempsey
    Anthony J. Farrington
    Michael J. Foley
    Matthew J. Gaughan
    Stephen J. Herlihy
    Michael D. Holland
    Michael W. Kelleher
    Benjamin S. Marshall
    Michael P. McDonnell
    John J. McDonough
    Christopher H. Meade
    Richard T. Murphy
    Gregory J. Norton
    Gregory D. Prata
    Dennis M. Ryan
    Anthony R. Sansevero
    Matthew J. Tosiello
    Alex C. Zengo
    Jonas S. Zikas

    Damien B. Coffey
    Joshua Cohen
    Stephen F. Collins
    Sean P. Cooney
    Shane W. Corcoran
    Paul J. Donato
    Matthew S. Donovan
    John E. Gallagher
    Neil R. Janulewicz
    Jonathan P. Kirk
    Gary E. Luck
    Austin R. Martin
    Craig M. Nicholson
    Sean T. Quirk
    Joshua K. Roth
    William G. Stebbins

    Francesco A. Aiello
    Daniel F. Appugliese
    Joseph W. Bullard
    John H. Burke
    John G. Burrows
    Ryan E. Curry
    Morgan C. D’Olympia
    Matthew E. Elder
    Michael P. Glynn
    Jason M. Hardy
    William L. Jackson
    Erik Johnson
    Matthew A. Keating
    Patrick M. Kennedy
    William T. Lebo
    Bryan C. Maloney
    Joel Y. Marquis
    Gregory J. O’Neill
    David M. Sansevero
    Eric M. Smith
    Kevin Spinale
    Matthew S. Warner

    Timothy M. Alberts
    Michael E. Brandt
    Dante Cannarozzi
    Brian T. Costello
    Gregory M. D’Antona
    Kevin P. Delaney
    Brendan P. Dowdall
    Matthew J. Foley
    Stephan G. Gildea
    Peter J. Hynes
    Timothy P. Kincaid
    Sean P. Maloney
    Benjamin D. Martin
    Robert W. Murray
    Mark X. O’Leary
    Michael P. Peabody
    Christopher H. Perkins
    Brian D. Wahlgren
    Brian M. Walsh

    Christopher T. Cheney
    Michael S. DiBlasi
    Anthony J. Donato
    Brian E. Donato
    Justin C. Holmes
    Brian G. Kincaid
    Alphonsus W. Kung
    Peter A. Manderino
    David D. McGowan
    Douglas K. Miller
    Christopher J. Murphy
    Karbert S. Ng
    Joseph T. O’Leary
    Mark Pietrantonio
    Sean J. Regan
    Michael J. Schulte
    Liam J. Staunton
    Eric C. Stepno
    Avery T. Sturtevant
    Mark C. Toomey
    Paul J. VanSteensburg

    David R. Berry
    Joseph M. Cady
    Stephen R. Callahan
    John F. Cuddy
    Mehir R. Desai
    William F. Fitzgerald
    Michael P. Hamilton
    Tayt J. Harlin
    Christopher Hirl
    Bob E. LaRocca
    H. Joseph Morrison III
    Brian E. Nicklas
    Edward O’Connell Donohue
    Brian J. O’Donnell
    John T. Skayne
    Jared M. Wahlgren
    Christopher J. Wynot

  • 2000 - 2009

    Brendan M. Connors
    Brendan M. Finn
    Patrick B. Gill
    Joseph P. Grueter
    Michael I. Harrison
    Matthew J. Lindholm
    Paul M. MacDougall
    Harold L. Mackins
    Christopher C. Martin
    Ryan H. McCarthy
    Gregory C. McGowan
    TJ McQuaid
    Daniel T. O’Brien
    Blake H. Reardon
    Stephen Ryan
    Benjamin Spera
    Stephen R. Torino

    Timothy R. Bulman
    Michael J. Conroy
    Michael W. Davis
    Justin A. Dominguez
    William J. Driscoll
    Peter J. Flaherty
    Patrick F. Gallagher
    Matthew L. Jensen
    Alvydas J. Knasas
    Christopher A. Kukstis
    Timothy P. MacKinnon
    Joseph L. Martin
    Brady J. McDevitt
    Christopher Mearn
    Matthew T. O’Malley
    Jeremiah P. Sullivan III

    Ryan T. Bersani
    Michael V. Butler
    Christopher J. Carr
    Raymond Chery
    Patrick C. Costello
    Brian H. Fitzgerald
    Kevin F. Gaughan
    Ralph B. Gillis
    Brian J. Lee
    Colin Maxey
    Steven J. McGloin
    John T. McGrath
    Matthew Sexton
    Gregory F. Smith
    Dennis M. Whalen
    Ryan T. Woods

    Daniel Bagley
    Brian A. Buoniconti
    Christopher E. Caron
    Christopher L. Caterine
    Brian C. Clancy
    Benjamin E. Crovella
    Jonathan A. DeRosa
    John C. Driscoll
    Isaac A. Guertin
    Michael J. Joyce
    Joseph R. Landry
    Matthew D. Leonido
    John P. Lydon
    Joseph J. Maher
    Robert F. Mulhall
    Eric J. Pallotta
    Bradford C. Pineau
    Joseph P. Ransom
    Michael P. Sheehan
    Charles J. Thornton
    Alexander J. Vannoni
    Matthew P. Walsh

    Nicholas Barsotti
    Thomas E. Beausejour
    Daniel J. Cahill
    Justin D. Casanova-Davis
    Timothy G. Dee
    Richard A. Goulding
    Matthew J. Hagerty
    Jonathan D. Hall
    Stephen M. Hunt
    Brendan B. Kelleher
    Jeffrey W. Landers
    Timothy R. Manning
    Ryan P. McMullen
    Michael T. Neilen
    Michael W. O’Connell
    Colin V. O’Leary
    William J. O’Neill
    Samuel C. Pepe
    Philip A. Perry
    Yvener J. Petit
    Craig M. Sexton
    Reed P. Smith
    Joseph G. Tully

    Leonard F. Arabia
    Christopher P. Barber
    James E. Burke
    Zachary J. Crump
    Andrew J. Flynn
    Connor J. Gallery
    Matthew Gottbrecht
    John C. Lane
    Paul M. Maksymowicz
    Christopher J. Marinelli
    James M. McCann
    Ryan McLaughlin
    Matthew K. Porter
    Thomas F. Stachowski
    Steven H. Tran
    Patrick R. Vaughn
    John A. Zarkauskas

    Marc A. Aiello
    Michael F. Barnes
    Daniel P. Capeless
    Daniel E. English
    Michael J. Falvey
    Richard A. McKinnon
    Timothy J. Mulhall
    Michael W. Pecca
    Brendan F. Rousseau
    Richard T. Sweeney
    John F. Toomey
    Andrew W. Vincent

    Ian W. Bond
    James M. Bragan
    Anthony J. Cipolla
    Patrick D. Czorniak
    Devin A. DiCristofaro
    Patrick B. Flynn
    Brian Galvin
    John M. Houlihan
    Alexander G. Hunt
    Sean M. Judge
    John J. Lenehan
    Matthew W. Maloney
    Brian F. Merrigan
    Bryan E. McGovern
    John T. McLaughlin
    Nicholas T. McLaughlin
    Alexander M. Miner
    Ryan E. Mullin
    Ifeanyichukwu N. Obukwelu
    Andrew A. Oddo
    Cory J. Oriola
    Joseph P. O’Riordan
    Kevin F. O’Shea
    Elliot Rizzo
    Nicholas P. Schmiemann
    Jeffrey D. Sullivan
    Francis E. Tansey

    Andrew X. Basler
    Andrew E. Casey
    Joseph J. Cavanaugh
    Thomas J. Conley
    Patrick M. Day
    Christopher Downs
    Nicholas C. Driscoll
    James K. English
    Michael E. Gaughan
    Charles H. Knights
    Brendan J. McCarthy
    William M. Miller
    Matthew W. Mitchell
    Thomas R. Pepe
    Timothy R. Schulte
    Alex Shipp
    Stephen J. Squillante
    Nicholas K. L. Tran
    Michael F. Wright

    Adam R. Cherubini
    Kyle J. Ewanouski
    Koury Hajjar
    Griffin J. Keeler
    Kristo Kondakci
    Kyle R. Larrow
    Donald F. Luchini
    Ryan P. Maddock
    Allan K. Maughan
    Patrick J. Moynahan
    Francis J. Nemia
    Nnamdi C. Obukwelu
    Gregory M. Ouellette
    Joseph A. Plouffe
    Peter J. Skipper

  • 2010 - 2019

    Robert M. Bergquist
    Keegan R. Flynn
    Paul O. Forrer
    Zachary J. Gregoricus
    Maximilian A. Guilbert
    Johnryan M. Hamel
    Michael J. Jaklitsch
    Garrett P. Kingston
    Thomas P. Lane
    Michael E. Nader
    Collin J. Norton
    Sean T. O’Connor
    Alex A. Okereke
    Thomas J. Pecca
    Richard L. Ridder
    Brian J. Sullivan
    Thomas J. VanSlochem

    Patrick R. Ahern
    Douglas G. Bent
    Michael E. Boris
    Drew A. Calcagno
    Daniel A. Clavijo
    Charles D. Coffman
    William K. Detwiler
    Timothy R. Gailius
    Daniel J. Hart
    Bryan F. Hurley
    Donald Lau
    Alexander P. MacGillivray
    John J. Nee
    Nicholas P. O’Neil
    Matthew M. Reilly
    Zachary A. Sogolow
    Nicholas R. Staley
    Phillip W. Toomey
    Dennis W. Topakov

    Martin F. Brown
    Matthew E. Connors
    John S. Craig
    Kevin Dong
    Andrew J. English
    Ryan J. Gelly
    James E. Golden
    Gregory P. Hoffman
    Christopher J. Keenan
    Grant D. King
    Luke N. Maietta
    Zachary W. Martin
    Christopher R. McNamara
    Joseph W. McNamara
    Thomas B. McNulty
    Colin T. Monahan
    James A. Moynahan
    Oderah C. Obukwelu
    Michael L. Prendeville
    Bartley M. Regan
    Jackson M. Smith

    Joseph T. Barrett
    Daniel J. Barrile
    Bryan W. Calci
    Patrick J. Carroll
    Daniel J. Dougherty
    Zachary A. Dunphy
    Joseph P. Dwyer
    Cornelius C. Flanagan
    Andrew S. Fontaine
    Armen J. Grigorian
    Robert J. Hillman
    Patrick A. Kelly
    Thomas K. Landry
    Michael P. Lydon
    John E. Marden
    Brendan J. McAdams
    Matthew M. McDermott
    Mark J. McGuire
    Joseph A. Moussalli
    Thomas M. O’Donnell
    Damian J. Rosales
    John E. Rusnock
    Matthew C. Savage
    William P. Sennott
    James A. Shaughnessy
    Kenneth P. Sweezey
    Liam C. Walsh
    Ian T. Yanulis

    Matthew D. Baldwin
    Michael P. Chapple
    Connor M. Curtin
    Stephen J. DeForge
    James A. Ditomassi
    Alfred J. Ferrara
    Rory J. Keohane
    Alexander M. Loughnane
    Connor T. McGonagle
    Michael J. Merrigan
    Xhonatan Mezini
    Thomas J. Moynahan
    Matthew S. O’Keefe
    Stephen T. Roche
    Darvin Sainte-Luce
    Charles F. Sargent
    Herbert A. Shaughnessy
    Kyle T. Sheehan
    David B. Summering
    Christopher M. Sweeney
    Samuel Topham
    Benjamin D. Turner
    Daniel J. Westfield

    Jonathan E. Berg
    Michael G. Byrne
    Nicholas J. Carroll
    Harry E. Clow
    Charles F. Flaherty
    Scott M. Gosnell
    Andrew J. Issner
    Lekwuwa U. Kalu
    Sean R. Manning
    Joshua A. Martineau
    Michael P. McDonald
    Martin P. McGlone
    Garrett J. McLaughlin
    Michael D. Murphy
    Connor H. Noonan
    Brendan G. Prendeville
    Eric Simonelli
    Daniel W. Sullivan

    William T. Anderson
    Sean T. Brown
    Brendan D. Connolly
    Henry R. Ennen
    Colm R. Feeney
    Sean Fontellio
    Anthony A. Ioffredo
    Ronan A. Kelley
    Brendan P. McCarthy
    Omonosagiagbon J. Owens
    Theodore C. Tittmann
    Thomas R. Wade

    Ariyand M. Aminpour
    Joseph M. Bradley
    Patrick M. Bulger
    Connor B. Cady
    Nicolas D. Coloma-Cook
    Andrew F. Dale
    Andrew J. Duro
    Jack P. Green
    Patrick V. Jennings
    Aidan C. Kelley
    Sean G. Larsen
    Sean M. King
    Timothy J. Miklus
    John R. Walsh
    Patrick J. Walsh

    John R. Bracher
    John G. Bulman
    Owen T. Carberry
    George L. Carney
    Edward C. Curtis
    Irobosa K. Enabulele
    Orobosa K. Enabulele
    Joseph D. Henry
    Trevor T. Hu
    William D. Keohane
    Christopher M. McCarthy
    Kevin P. McDonough
    Sachin P. Meier
    Brian Moynahan
    Alessandro N. Oggiano
    Jared Simonelli
    Timothy J. Smyth
    Nathanial E. Stewart
    Owen C. Thomas
    Michael G. Vasil
    Jack Vaughan
    Michael J. Wilson

    Michael J. Corbett
    Carter J. Ford
    Colin W. Ford
    Justin O. Giffee
    John B. Grady
    Thomas H. Guinee
    Gregory R. Hamel
    Colin P. Jones
    Dylan P. Keating
    Kevin G. Kenneally
    James M. Luck
    Matthew E. McGillivray
    Liam D. McDonnell
    Kevin P. McGovern
    Charles T. McMahon
    Wyatt G. Staton-Todaro
    Matthew Summering

  • 2020 - 2024

    Nolan M. Anderson
    Aidan P. Carey
    Richard S. Clow
    Thomas M. Johnson
    Harrison D. Logan
    Osasenaga J. Owens
    Daniel J. Potember
    Michael P. Roche

    Brian W. Bulger
    Ryan Carter
    Patrick Connell
    David P. Costa
    Luke Donovan
    Eric X. Esfahanian
    Ryan P. FitzMaurice
    Joseph P. Galvin
    M. Ethan Gordon
    William Holmes
    Owen M. Keating
    Conor M. Kennedy
    Aidan X. Kirby
    Christopher J. McGrail
    Neil R. Murphy
    Jack T. O’Connell
    Steven W. Roche
    William M. Ryan
    William P. Schiffmann
    Jonathan P. Shea
    Jack T. Shediac
    Nicholas N. Simonelli
    Luc St. Mary
    Trent St. Mary
    Luke W. Willett

    Kevin Camy
    Luis D. Cordon
    James D. Delaney
    Dylan P. Donnelly
    John W. Duddy
    Dylan F. Fitzpatrick
    Shane G. Fitzpatrick
    James M. Flaherty
    Patrick B. Fox
    Benjamin C. Galvin
    Myles S. Kirby
    Ryan A. McCormick
    Aidan J. McDonnell
    Damian S. Olechowski
    Theodore C. Stravin
    Michael M. Vaughan
    Roberto C. S. Viana

    Quentin I. Aikens
    Julian J. Bosques
    Paxton D. Cash
    Denzel W. Cofie
    Martin J. Connolly
    Jack E. Dena
    Alex G. Hanna
    Noah L. Jacques
    Joseph J. Lewis
    Harrison Y. Lynch
    Matthew C. McLeod
    Charles M. Murphy
    John J. Murphy
    Matthew L. O’Connell
    Joseph T. Piacitelli
    Blake C. Reidy
    William J. Roche
    Zachary L. Ryan
    Stefan Videnovic

    Edward Adams
    Christopher S. Affonso
    Tahsan Alam
    Kevin A. Almanzar
    Shep D. Alstrom
    Mason Alves
    Amari J. Andrade
    Josiah A. Andrade
    Pedro M. Araujo
    Robert D. Atkinson
    Kaan J. Avcikurt
    Pablo E. Avila
    Gabriel A. Aviles-Lemus
    Alexander C. Baird
    Tyler H. Balthazar
    Jaylen N. Barros
    Maximilian O. Bean-Tierney
    Chase V. Bell
    Ambrogio C. M. Bellotti
    William N. Benson
    Ruben A. Berganza
    Jacob E. Bierenbroodspot
    Lukas Binggeli
    Ritchny D. Blaise
    Gabriel Boecker
    Cole A. Bohane
    Andrew R. Boucher
    Christopher I. Brice
    Daniel C. Bushley
    Kevin G. Cai
    Jeffrey J. Campbell
    Noah U. Carletti
    Jamari J. Carvalho
    Daniel Catano
    Domenic F. Cellai
    Ben Chen
    Haowen Chen
    Odera C. Chibueze
    Luciano V. Cincotti
    Patrick Cincotti
    Daniel Civello
    Mason Cleary
    Matthew J. Collins
    James F. Conley
    Thomas X. Conley
    Finn J. Conneely
    Nathan Cordaro
    Casey M. Corkery
    Abraham N. G. Crain
    Robert D. Cunningham
    Jackson T. M. D’Ambrosio
    Thomas D. Dasco
    Devin J. Dear
    Sean C. Delorie
    Sean J. Denapoli
    Adam G. D’Errico
    Andrew J. Desharnais
    James B. Desmond
    Daniel Desulme
    Del J. DiBona
    Charles E. Donovan
    Jack Dooley
    Sean C. Driscoll
    Cameron J. Dunn
    Liam C. Enwright
    Matthew H. Escobar Cedeno
    Ryan S. Esfahanian
    Erwin J. Esteban
    Liam T. Evans
    Charles G. R. Fearing
    Jack K. Feinberg
    Aaron P. J. Fernandes
    Conor F. Flaherty
    Gavin T. Flaherty
    Jaden H. Flaherty
    Christian M. Fleming
    Michael V. Foley
    Peter A. Foley
    John I. Ford
    Michael P. Frawley
    Gregory A. Gabelus
    Sammuel G. Galette
    Connor B. Gallagher
    Maxwell C. Galvin
    John F. Geary
    Damien Gichohi
    Brendan C. Goldner
    Sean C. Gomes
    Christian J. Gonsalves
    Maxwell A. Gravallese
    James T. Greer
    Cillian A. Griffin
    Yuchen Gu
    Jayden R. Guzman
    Thomas M. Halloran
    Chase G. Hansen
    Tyler L. Harris
    William C. Hartford
    Lachlan Hartshorn
    Liam M. Heffernan
    Carlos I. Henriquez Jr.
    Joandry A. Herrera
    Ethan D. Holson
    Luke W. Hugo
    Matthew J. Hunt
    Connor C. Ingram
    Fadel H. Jaafar
    Owen M. Jay
    Matthew R. Jordan
    Grayson Kamadeu
    Charles K. Karongo
    Charles C. Keegan
    Samuel E. Keene
    John J. Kelley
    Ronan Kelley
    Chase E. Kelly
    Maxwell J. Kelly
    Hayes D. Kennedy
    Samuel F. Kessler
    Michael Kester
    Zain R. Khan
    Nevin S. Kingsview
    Matthew J. Kirwan
    Thomas M. Kubera
    Stephen D. Labrador
    Kieran L. Lamay
    Christopher A. Larnard
    Luke P. Leung
    Michael Li
    Ryan Li
    Daniel C. Linnehan
    Oscar F. Loeb
    Conor Lynch
    Matthew R. Maderos
    Vasily Mantrov
    Anthony J. Martindale
    Alexander J. Matheny
    Gregory R. Matthews
    Derek J. Maxim
    Charles T. McCullough
    Daniel J. McEneaney
    John P. McGath
    Daniel J. McGee
    Dylan S. McGillicuddy
    Michael G. McIntyre
    Jude F. McLaughlin
    Gavin T. McNicholl
    Aidan J. McNulty
    Jonathan A. Mejia
    Aidan M. Milan
    Arya Mogtader
    Christopher H. Mondesir
    Carlos A. Morales
    Daniel P. Moylan
    Griffin T. Mozinski
    Colin Murphy
    Nolan R. Murphy
    William E. Murray
    Atharva Naik
    Ridge M. Noelsaint
    Elias P. Novina
    Owen H. Oates
    Finnian J. Oatway
    Owen M. O’Connor
    Ahmed A. Omo
    Coleman L. O’Reilly
    Alvin Ortiz
    Jacob R. Padula
    Alessandro P. Parisi
    Mark D. Parsons
    Lucas S. Patel
    Tristin Pecevich
    Neil J. Petrillo
    Paul T. Pierre
    Sebastian A. Pina
    Joseph M. M. Polis
    Lorenzo B. Possamai
    Cameron Prudente
    Tristan M. Quach
    Jesse A. Ramos
    John B. Reardon
    Sean R. Renehan
    Mateo R. Reyes
    Marshall T. Rice
    Tristan J. Richardson
    Victor Rocha
    Remington J. Rokoszewski
    Bryan W. Rosa

2023 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report

Ways to Give

Just as our academic success hinges upon the diligence of our teachers and students, so too, our teachers and students depend upon the alliance of alumni, parents, and friends who continue to support the school and foster our mission with their generosity.

  • Gifts of Securities

    Stock Transfer Instructions For Boston College High School
    Morgan Stanley
    Account Name: Boston College High School
    Account #: 593-137220
    DTC Account #: 0015
    Broker: Steve Fairchild
    781-416-2414 [email protected]
    FAX # 781-431-6777

    Assistant: Alec Maserejian
    [email protected]

    Please call the BC High Advancement Office at 617-474-5030 to let us know to expect your gift. Thank you for your support of our mission.

  • Gift Planning

    Planned gifts allow you to provide for BC High while realizing your own financial and estate planning goals. Many planned giving methods benefit the donor as well as the school, by reducing or eliminating income, gift, and estate taxes.

    Learn More

  • By Phone

    During business hours you may call 617-474-5030 to speak to someone in the Advancement Office to give to The Fund for BC High. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

  • By Mail

    Checks may be made payable to: Boston College High School, and sent to:
    Office for Institutional Advancement
    Boston College High School
    150 Morrissey Blvd
    Boston, MA 02125

  • Matching Gift

    Click below to see if your employer will match your gift!

    Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
    Powered by Double the Donation

Ways To Make An Impact

  • The Fund for BC High

    The Fund for BC High provides vital unrestricted operating support for our school, supporting virtually every aspect of our boys’ education. From equipping science labs and classrooms; to investing in our talented faculty, coaches and guidance counselors; to providing the robust academic, arts, athletics and cocurricular programs – The Fund makes possible the extraordinary opportunities that are hallmarks of a BC High education.  In addition, The Fund supports financial aid to ensure that deserving young men can continue to attend BC High regardless of their family’s circumstances.  Your support of The Fund for BC High plays a critical role in our mission.

    Our fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. Please consider making a gift to The Fund for BC High this year. Every gift, no matter the amount, makes a difference in the lives of our students every day.

  • Endowed Fund
  • Companions' Scholarship

    With a Companions’ Scholarship, you provide a student with the opportunity to fully experience a transformation of the head, heart, and hands. BC High provides a rigorous academic curriculum with a depth of co-curricular, social justice, and faith formation programs that act as a catalyst, forming young men who serve their communities and make a positive impact…here at home and around the globe. Your partnership in our mission has never been more important.

    You can support a student at three levels:
    $5,000/year, $10,000/year, and $25,000/year (includes full tuition & fees)

    Companions’ Scholarship